Introduction to TON Walk

What is TON Walk?

What is TON Walk? TON Walk β€” a Telegram-based mini-app that offers a unique twist on movement-based reward systems with the TON blockchain ecosystem at its heart.

Go out to explore the world and check in with the TON Walk mini-app as you go. We make sure you're actually at the right location to keep things fair and then β€” boom! β€” the reward comes in.

The journey starts here - Open App πŸš€

Getting Started

How do I access TON Walk?

  1. Make sure you have Telegram messenger app TON Walk is available as a mini-app within Telegram. Users can find it in the mini-app section or through direct links.
  2. Set Up: Launch the bot and confirm the use of the geolocation. Don’t worry, we do not collect or store your data.
  3. **Invite friends:Β  **It's fun to walk the world together, but it's even more fun to receive points for their activity.

Get Route: Get your first geo-task on the map and follow to them.

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Start Exploring: Begin exploring places around you and check-in using the app to earn points.

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Congratulations: You have received your reward. Keep it up.

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